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What is a Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN)?

A Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN) is a registered nurse who has done extra study and training to become a specialist nurse in the care of people who may require a stoma. Most major hospitals in Australia and New Zealand, both private and public, will usually employ a STN or general nurse to provide specific care to people having a stoma. This care often includes education and support both before and after surgery, for as long as you have a stoma.

Some community areas will also have access to STNs outside of the hospital setting. It is important when you have had stoma surgery to find out where your nearest STN will be following your discharge from hospital, as you may need to see a STN regularly.

In other countries you may hear different titles for a STN, but whatever the title they all specialise in caring for people with a stoma:

  • UK & Ireland: Stoma Care Nurse (SCN)
  • USA: Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse (WOCN)
  • Asia: Enterostomal Therapist (ET)